Evergreen note-taking is a practice developed by Andy Matuschak to advance his research projects and to achieve "better thinking."
The #inbox is a repository of topics or prompts that I can refer to when I don't sit down with a clear idea of what I want to write.
bn note title #inbox
I need a launching off for a few anchor, foundational notes. Ideally, the would emerge organically over time through the dense inter-linking.
For the moment, it seems my anchor notes will be:
I'm writing primarily for myself to read.
Value in publishing these notes:
I've written more comprehensively about my tooling in Personal Learning System, My Reading & Writing Workflow
Each note should represent a single, atomic "idea"
What's a good format for prompts?
When to use prose versus bulleted lists?
Evergreen note-taking practice each morning
How does evergreen note-taking compare to Incremental Note-taking?