# Evergreen Note-taking Evergreen note-taking is a practice developed by [[Andy Matuschak]] to advance his research projects and to achieve "better thinking." ## Inbox The #inbox is a repository of topics or prompts that I can refer to when I don't sit down with a clear idea of what I want to write. - I can filter through the #inbox and see what strikes my fancy. - When I have an idea I'd like to write on later, I can quickly create a new note and tag it with inbox - My Bear <> Sherlock integration supports this with: - `bn note title #inbox` - When do items come out of the inbox? ## Foundational Notes I need a launching off for a few anchor, foundational notes. Ideally, the would emerge organically over time through the dense inter-linking. For the moment, it seems my anchor notes will be: - [[Knowledge Representation]] - [[Readwise/Books/Tools for Thought]] - [[Realtime Collaborative Systems]] ## Audience I'm writing primarily for myself to read. Value in publishing these notes: - Serendipity, chance encounters, [[Signal flare is a public artifact that attracts like-minded thinkers]] for like-minded thinkers - Enables better conversations with "fellow travelers" as it gives me notes to link to in our conversations - Publishing makes me clean them up perhaps more than I would normally do for myself. Good peer pressure. ## Tooling I've written more comprehensively about my tooling in [[Personal Learning System, My Reading & Writing Workflow]] ### Graphs - I'd love to be able to see the densely connected Foundational Notes via a graph - I'd like to spot orphans ## Process and Questions - Each note should represent a single, atomic "idea" - Getting the ideas to be right-sized will be tricky - When do I pull an idea out of a note into it's own note, essentially, when do I refactor? - What's a good format for prompts? - Prompts should probably be: - A noun - The note would then be describing the noun - A declarative statement - The note would be elaborating on the meaning of the declarative statement - When to use prose versus bulleted lists? - Evergreen note-taking practice each morning - How does evergreen note-taking compare to [[Incremental Note-taking]]? #inbox