Jess's Lab Notebook

Digital Gardens

Attributes of Digital Garden

  • Interconnected - useful to help me find and build relationships between my own ideas

  • Collaborative - allow others to comment and interact with the material

  • Tracks changes over time

  • Optimize for the Individual Use Case first

  • Summarize this article: The Garden and the Stream: A Technopastoral | Hapgood

Example of streams:

Gardens as wikis as resources that we build and collect things in.

Tools that can hold this together.

Business models that can make this viable.

Digital Gardens I Greatly Admire

Tools and Inspirations

  • Understory - digital garden, a micro-publishing space for you to plant the seeds of your ideas and grow them into bi-directionally linked web portals
    • Owned and operated by a co-op called Zebras Unite - which is an interesting model for company ownership!
  • Semilattice
Digital Gardens
Interactive graph
On this page
Digital Gardens
Attributes of Digital Garden
Digital Gardens I Greatly Admire
Tools and Inspirations