Every NFT project is actually an ecosystem: product + community + economy
Each thing must be measured and managed independently and as they interrelate. This creates an extremely complex system full of surprises. Everything is "intertwingled."
Most NFT project owners are flying blind - no analytics or measurement on any component of the system, much less the "system as a whole."
More than measurement and management, simulation may be the only viable tool for decision-making at this level of complexity.
Build a simulation of the variables in play, run it 10k times.
Figure out how you should structure your next drop, whether you should burn, etc.
Seems like one of the biggest gaps here is actually the tooling. Yes, it's hard to reason through the appropriate variables, to build the mental model.
But how do you quickly/easily run simulations with that model?
One of the strange attributes of NFT projects is that line between product-community-economy is fuzzy. Members of the community can have material impact on the economy, and can meaningfully extend the product (through composability). Participants may play in 1, 2, or all 3 realms