# About this lab notebook
Hi. I'm [Jess Martin](https://jessmart.in).
I'm an [[Applied research|applied researcher]] investigating the future of computing. My primary work involves [[Discover and disseminate generalizable insights|discovering and disseminating generalizable insights]] into the nature of the computational medium. This lab notebook is an effort to deepen and clarify my own thinking while publishing it a form that can be consumed by others.
Broadly, my research is towards enabling [[Computers should help us think better, together|computers to help us think better, together]]. More specifically, I focus on three broad areas:
- **Real-time collaboration**, or [[Computers should enable robust collaborative experiences]]
- **Knowledge representation**, or [[Computers should represent knowledge using models and simulations]]
- **Computers as mediums for thinking**, or [[Computers are a platform for tools for thinking]]
## The Research Pipeline
[[Open Questions I'm Pondering|Open Questions]] ➡️ [[Intuitive Insights]] ➡️ [[Experimental Systems]] ➡️ [[Observations of Experimental Systems|Observations]] ➡️ Generalizable Insights ([[Discover and disseminate generalizable insights|source]])
I've organized my Lab Notebook around the above pipeline:
- **Evergreen Notes**: I follow a form of [[Evergreen Note-taking]]: [[Notes represent durable knowledge objects]], deeply interlinked, with minimal narrative, focused on asserting and supporting specific claims. Evergreen Notes contain the seeds of Intuitive Insights that need nurturing.
- **Projects**: a list of projects that I am working on or have worked on. A source of insights and a breeding ground for Experimental Systems.
- **[[Open Questions I'm Pondering]]** is sort of a switchboard for [[How to Research|Good Questions]], which are an essential ingredient in research.
- **[[Intuitive Insights]]** is a list of insights I've had about systems that await embodiment in an Experimental System.
- **[[Experimental Systems]]** is a list of Experimental Systems that I've worked on in the past or am building now.
- **Resources, People, and Systems** are notes on influential researchers and software systems that have shaped computing over the decades.
## Why publish these notes?
I'm writing these notes mostly for myself, so why publish them?
- These notes primarily serve to __guide my own process of discovery__, as detailed above in the Research Pipeline.
- I publish in order to __share what I'm learning__, in the hope that some of these "results" may inspire others.
- Increasing my luck surface area: serendipity, chance encounters, [[Signal flare is a public artifact that attracts like-minded thinkers]].
- Something to link to: enable better conversations with "fellow travelers" as I can link to specific notes in our conversations and allows them to explore my thinking asynchronously.