Jess's Lab Notebook

Requirements for a Note-taking Tool

  • VIM mode
  • Sync to iOS + other devices. Actual mobile app! Nope to PWA.
  • Wiki-style links
  • Desktop app (not a browser) + responsive
  • Not ugly
  • Stored as Markdown files on my machine
  • Alfred or Raycast integration

Why native apps and not web apps

  • cold-start time (> 50ms to startup and be ready to type)
  • responsiveness: low typing latency, interactions feel snappier (often GPU-powered, not some crazy DOM machinations)
  • reliability: desktop apps tend to have less bugs (when they do crash, it's usually a very hard crash)
  • OS-native UI (menus, buttons, windowing, etc)
  • Menus are used sensibly (Open up Bear on Mac and check out the "View", "Format", and "Note" menu and check out the options)
  • Separate app instance for cmd-tab navigation (I do all my navigation via cmd-tab. web apps break this)
  • OS keyboard shortcuts all work, including OS-global shortcuts like "add note"
  • Integration with Alfred or Raycast that directly instrument the app (I use this every day for "go to note" functionality)
Requirements for a Note-taking Tool
Interactive graph
On this page
Requirements for a Note-taking Tool
Why native apps and not web apps