Draft article I'm writing: Standoff Markup
As opposed to procedural markup.
It's not hierarchical, so you can overlap annotations easily.
You can ignore annotations as well!
--- HTML
<h1>Some header</h1>
<p>Some <b>te<i>xt</i></b><i> and italic</i></p>
^ Overlapping markup is hard!
--- Heirarchy
h1. Some header
p. Some
b. te
i. xt
i. and italic
--- Raw text
Some header\n
Some text and italic
Standoff properties:
markType: 'heading',
startOffset: 0,
endOffset: 10,
author: 'jess'
markType: 'bold',
startOffset: 17,
endOffset: 20,
author: 'john'
markType: 'italic',
startOffset: 19,
endOffset: 27
markType: 'comment',
startOffset: 15,
endOffset: 19,
commentText: 'This word "some" at the beginning of the line is silly'
Separation of semantics from content!
Many different layers of semantic meaning.
Enables multiple authors to overlay their semantics