Jess's Lab Notebook

Standoff Markup

Draft article I'm writing: Standoff Markup

Exampls of Standoff in the wild

As opposed to procedural markup.

It's not hierarchical, so you can overlap annotations easily.
You can ignore annotations as well!


  • One data, many views
  • Security: you don't have to parse the text,
  • Enables multiplayer


  • How to use structure?

Standoff Explainer

--- HTML
<h1>Some header</h1>

<p>Some <b>te<i>xt</i></b><i> and italic</i></p>
^ Overlapping markup is hard!

--- Heirarchy

h1. Some header

p. Some
  b. te
    i. xt
  i. and italic

--- Raw text
Some header\n
Some text and italic

Standoff properties:
    markType: 'heading',
    startOffset: 0,
    endOffset: 10,
    author: 'jess'
    markType: 'bold',
    startOffset: 17,
    endOffset: 20,
    author: 'john'
    markType: 'italic',
    startOffset: 19,
    endOffset: 27
    markType: 'comment',
    startOffset: 15,
    endOffset: 19,
    commentText: 'This word "some" at the beginning of the line is silly'

Separation of semantics from content!
Many different layers of semantic meaning.
Enables multiple authors to overlay their semantics
Standoff Markup
Interactive graph
On this page
Standoff Markup
Exampls of Standoff in the wild
Standoff Explainer