Implies that the data should be exposed (see Data is always explorable)
Simple interfaces for connecting inputs and outputs
Wire diagrams?
What's the model?
multi-user by default
users can:
control their own view and interactions
see other people's interactions in real-time
"broadcast" their view easily to others
bring your data to a friend's computer easily, take your data or your work back with you to your own computer
Everything is editable / customizable (moldable code)
"Inspect Source" for every program as it's running
Modify the program as it's running
Modify the code
Local "state" is always available and visible
Operating system and programs
How do you protect programs from piracy?
Different conception of "piracy"
"Work with the hood up"
Authorship-first environment
Time as a first-class citizen
Our experience of the world intrinsically occurs in time.
All of our lives consist of various experiences, only some of which have an accompanying digital form. This includes documents written, photographs taken, movies watched, tweets tweeted, source code written, books read, conversations had over coffee, sketches drawn, notes taken on a whiteboard, lectures attended, even chance meetings on the street.
Experiences that occur near to one another in time are inherently related, though often not in ways we are able to reflect on or discover.
Our memory is oriented naturally around events that happen near one another on our own personal timeline.
Streams of experiences embedded in time eases the burden of organization because categorization can happen automatically
Direct, tactile interaction with the computer across multiple displays
Spread out the work across multiple displays
Type of display should fit the use case
Reading while you go on a walk? book-sized tablet interface
Sketching out some ideas? table-mounted display
Spreading out ideas and sharing with a small group? wall-sized display
Working alone on an essay? smaller, traditional window to work in
minimize head movement for focused, output-based work
Think like a chef - kitchen work triangle
mise en place
Displays are directly tactile
fingers, pencils, multi-touch
Easily move things around to different displays
Always on by default
the computing environment never "shuts down"
whenever you come back to it, it's like a room that you just left, everything still in the place where you left it