Jess's Lab Notebook

Spreadsheets and Databases

Eve is a fascinating experiment with a new kind of programming.

New Databases

  • Homebase
  • CasualHQ looks interesting
  • NocoDB - Open Source Airtable Alternative - turns any MySQL, Postgres, SQLite into a Spreadsheet with REST APIs

Brent Anderson

  • Prisma, but for Airtable so that when you use the Airtable API it is 100% type safe.

  • It would periodically check the schemas for drift.

  • In development, it would put a toast up and drop messages in the console.

  • In production, it would disable the frontend stuff but still ring alarm bells to tell you the schema drifted so you’d know to go and regenerate types/re run stuff.

  • Github PR bot to generate a new PR when the schema drifts so it’ll run CI/CD pipelines. If you’ve got automerge enabled, it should just automerge and release the new type-safe version once tests are passing.

Spreadsheets and Databases
Interactive graph
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Spreadsheets and Databases
New Databases
Brent Anderson