Jess's Lab Notebook

Spatial Interfaces

"The room becomes a medium for communication."

Read John Palmer's essays on this topic.

Also, Barbara Tversky has done some work in this area.

What Works about Spatial Canvases?

  • Mediums

  • Flexible meaning

    • can put anything anywhere, can choose your own structure
      • two dimensions, a variety of media types, text, sizes
      • You can effectively design your own "notation"
    • downside: have to choose your own structure
      • this can actually be quite taxing - you develop fluency over time with a well-known notation
      • also, designing notations is hard - designing one that accounts for all of your use cases is challenging.
        • Even today I had to think about that when presenting this information
          • How do I want to represent the good and bad of each of one of these attributes?
  • Fluid real-time collaboration - can see what other people are doing in real-time, each have your own space

    • downside: async collaboration can be frustrating
      • hard to make sense of someone else's space - like trying to find the silverware in their kitchen
      • hard to see what changed
  • Great at early phases of the project - exploratory work

    • downside: you'll need to work with another app for the "deliverable" and moving the info out of the spatial canvas is hard
      • "production process" phase work
  • Permanence - you can come back to it, things stay where you put them

    • downside: they get messy and have to be cleaned up, feels onerous to maintain them
  • Multiple media - true multimedia

    • can embed and relate almost any media
    • downside: generalists problem - end up being poor versions of almost everything
      • have to re-implement a text editor, image editor, photosho, etc
      • implementers have a

Rodrigo's Critique: The Tyrrany of Structurelessness

  • His critique: "there's nothing in them."
    • No norms or notations for how to use the space
    • Have to decide what the norms and notations are every time
    • May not share norms with someone else sharing the space
    • May not understand the norms of someone else's space
  • Architecture school:
    • Architects use a highly-specialized "2D canvas" to specify the shape of a building
    • Blueprints are the same the world over
    • They formalized the blueprint notation about 200 years ago
    • When two architects are looking at a blueprint together, they might point to a wall and talk about the way the light would enter the room
      • They can picture the room based on the blueprint alone because they have experience turning the notation into the full thing that it represents
      • They can discuss it meaningfully because they each possess the same idea in their minds, which facilitates meaningful communication
  • There is tremendous power in shared Notation
Spatial Interfaces
Interactive graph
On this page
Spatial Interfaces
What Works about Spatial Canvases?
Rodrigo's Critique: The Tyrrany of Structurelessness