Notes on an organization system I need some sort of global todo list that spans across my various projects. More like a clear statement of what project I'm focusing on and what's next.
If I created a Kanban, the categories would be:
Published (Measuring)
Notes on an organization system I have several systems that I need to be able to use to organize my life properly.
Scratch pads when doing research
Proposed Tag: notes + project
Taking notes while on a phone call
Proposed Tag: notes + project
Per-project todo lists
Meta todo list for all Relevance stuff and such
Daily todo lists?
Proposed Tag: todo + project
Daily todo lists should remain on paper in the notebook.
Long-Term Storage and Thoughts
Quotations I like
Bands/albums to check out
Books to read
Movies to watch
Songs to learn
Filetype of taskpaper and use that format?
I need access to notes on several Interfaces.
Need to be able to edit easily in VIM
Search easily
Have only one file open at a time for the sake of focus
Proposed Solution: VIM + Markdown + Taskpaper bundles
Enter stuff into the application on the road
Access notes to read while out and about
Check things off on the todo list
Proposed Solution: SimpleNote
For accessing notes while not on my own computer
Proposed Solution: SimpleNote web interface
I need a strategy for staying on top of things.
Todo lists should stay as empty as possible.
Clean out @done todos at the end of the day
Clean out todo lists for inactive projects
Keep genearl todo list for META tasks
Notes are ephemeral, but need to be processed
Make a todo item to turn the note into something useful
Notes that are intended to hang around longer are actually writings
Lists are long-running notes that are constantly appended
Things from a list can turn into a todo, but they are not todos
Bullet points is probably the way to go
Data processing is about:
Write script to move items from Camera Uploads to Photos folder @done
Get photos off of E's iPhone
Move stuff from Dropbox to Google Drive
Delete films that aren't mine on TeraDrive @done
Organize Documents folder better
Move as many docs as possible to Google Drive
Move Spreadsheets -> Google Docs?
Passwords (1password)
Buy 1password for iPad/iPhone? @done
Move all contacts to Google?
Cull through contacts and eliminate duplicates
Notes @done
Calendars @done
Delete music that isn't mine
Ensure code has shortcuts to it
How to organize and share all this stuff between:
MacBook Air, iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, and AppleTV
Cull through old photos in Lightroom
Cull through Photos in new "Photos" folder in Dropbox
Figure out how to combine Lightroom (big camera) with Dropbox (iPhone)
How does E get to the Lightroom Photos from her iPad?
Add E's old photos from PhotoDrive:Backup to Lightroom
Buy new version of Lightroom?
Figure out how/where to store photos
Try out pivotal's Sprout to bootstrap my Mac
Try out vagrant boxes for development