Jess's Lab Notebook

Framing as perspective

“Framing” is the perspective you use when viewing a subject.

For example, music could be viewed through the framing of math. Every piece of music is constructed mathematically, all of the notes, everything. So we come to understand or learn music through understanding the mathematical rules that govern music. Another framing for viewing music would be through the notion of physical exercise. In this framing, music is something that we produce by certain physical motions of our body and our voice box. So the way that we learn music is by practicing those physical motions over and over again. Now viewing music through the framing of language versus math versus physical actions are not “true” or “false”, necessarily. More like “helpful”, “not helpful.”They are just different ways of viewing the same thing, thus a way of framing it.

Any subject you’re thinking about, you’re thinking about it through a specific framing.

One of the challenging things is identifying your default framing of the subject
I don’t think there’s a “framing free” way of interacting with knowledge in the world

To take an example from the Bible, you could think about the Apostle Paul’s different framings for the Christian church: a building, a family, a body. Each of those framings yields certain insights and ways of relating to the church. How do you think about church without one of those framings? My answer is you don’t. You have one that is dominant/implicit (and maybe it’s not one of Paul’s!).

Framing as perspective
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Framing as perspective