Jess's Lab Notebook

Tools for Thought by Howard Rheingold



"What do you think of the way the Web has developed?” I asked.
"It's a start," he replied. “It's important that we've found some sort of combination of tools that is simple enough and usable enough that it's caught on the way the Web has. But what is also very, very important is that we don't get arrested at this level of development. How do you evolve the Web into something that could be really effective?"
I asked him to name some essential principles that he articulated, but which the Web has yet to adopt:

Integrating the editor and the browser is one. It's ludicrous to do your authoring in one kind of environment then go to an entirely different environment to browse. Another principle is that every object needs to be addressable intrinsically, so you don't have to go insert a special tag. You ought to be able to link to a word or sentence or paragraph or graphic. Another principle is the option of having different ways users can view a document, like seeing only the first line of every paragraph.

Tools for Thought
Interactive graph
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Tools for Thought by Howard Rheingold