My personal workflow for reading and writing.
Maybe document and diagram my workflows and store in a gh repo
I read PDFs on my reMarkable tablet, which allows me to turn webpages into PDFs that I can then consume offline, annotate, store and upload to my site for broader reference.
Share my library. Read my notes on what I read.
See my Reading Workflow for a full description.
Tags I use to organize my thinking on various topics.
#inbox - Items I'm currently working on
- If it only has #inbox, it's a Writing Prompt that may turn into an article or a note.
#writing - all of my articles
- #writing/drafting - the articles I'm drafting right now
- #writing/editing - the articles I'm editing right now (drafting is finished)
- #writing/published - articles that have been published
#work/notes - Notes in my personal Digital Gardens
- #work/notes #publish - selected notes from Digital Garden that are available on my website
#talks - All the talks I've given
"Understanding is more important than memorization." -Richard Feynman
Goals -> Principles or Hypotheses -> Workflows -> Capabilities -> Tools
Build tools around your workflows, not workflows around your tools. - Linus Lee
See also: