Jess's Lab Notebook

Life in Community



God cannot love and turn a blind eye to the sin that wreaks havoc on His children and His world. (Location 1198)

But we are more concerned about ourselves than we are about the well-being of the person we are called to serve. (Location 1225)

He said that once you examine yourself, then you go to your brother or sister and address their sin. (Location 1255)

Sharpening iron can be intense; it isn’t easy as sparks fly. Not only that, but actively hating the things that hurt those with whom we are in community is not only inconvenient, it can be exhausting. (Location 1291)

Son, I have two words for you as you walk with others: Don’t quit! (Location 1294)

Imagine a community where people care enough for one another to say the hard things, and as a result prevent a lot of pain and heartache. (Location 1355)

you can’t glue to the good if you can’t see it, and you can’t see it if you aren’t looking beyond yourself. (Location 1504)

It’s amazing what can happen if you take your eyes off yourself and all that is broken in life and attempt to be a source of encouragement to others. Not only does God use this to bring affirmation to someone else’s life, but it brings joy to yours as well. (Location 1516)

The problem is that we forget. (Location 1755)

Instead of leaning in to my community, I tend to isolate myself. (Location 1758)

It is disastrous to hurt alone; it is too great a burden. (Location 1767)

“rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us” (Rom. 5:3–5). (Location 1806)

Our natural tendency is to get out of suffering as quickly as we can. (Location 1816)

Paul’s command is not simply that people should pray. He tells us to be constant in prayer. (Location 1828)

“Please don’t forget that this is only a layover. We are flying to paradise.” (Location 1854)

Life in Community
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Life in Community