the fear and trembling that disciplined his youth and which, although the grown man mastered it, no man altogether outgrows (Location 587)
in an age when an author who wants readers must be careful to write in a way that he can be comfortably leafed through during the after-dinner nap, and be sure to present himself to the world like the polite gardener's boy in the Advertiser5 who, hat in hand and with good references from his previous place of employment, recommends himself to a much-esteemed public. (Location 596)
But below his breath Abraham said to himself: ‘Lord in heaven I thank Thee; it is after all better that he believe I am a monster than that he lose faith in Thee.’ (Location 638)
in the sweetness of sorrow he possessed his disappointed expectation. (Location 714)
Would it not be better, then, were he not God’s chosen? What is it to be God’s chosen? Is it to be denied in youth one’s youthful desire in order to have it fulfilled in great travail in old age? (Location 719)
Seventy years’ faithful expectation, the brief joy at faith’s fulfilment. (Location 741)
it is one thing to be admired, another to be a guiding star that saves the anguished. (Location 767)
Conventional wisdom aims presumptuously to introduce into the world of spirit that same law of indifference under which the outside world groans. It believes it is enough to have knowledge of large truths. No other work is necessary. (Location 824)
What is left out of the Abraham story is the anguish; for while I am under no obligation to money, to a son the father has the highest and most sacred of obligations. (Location 837)
The ethical expression for what Abraham did is that he was willing to murder Isaac; the religious expression is that he was willing to sacrifice Isaac; but in this contradiction lies the very anguish that can indeed make one sleepless; and yet without that anguish Abraham is not the one he is. (Location 862)
perhaps in the context of his times what he did was something quite different. (Location 864)
All along he had faith, he believed that God would not demand Isaac of him, while still he was willing to offer him if that was indeed what was demanded. (Location 948)
He believed on the strength of the absurd, for all human calculation had long since been suspended. (Location 954)
Had it not been thus with Abraham he may well have loved God, but he would not have had faith; for he who loves God without faith reflects on himself, while the person who loves God in faith reflects on God. (Location 967)
This man takes pleasure, takes part, in everything, and whenever one catches him occupied with something his engagement has the persistence of the worldly person whose soul is wrapped up in such things. (Location 1003)
If his wife doesn’t have the dish, curiously enough he is exactly the same. (Location 1015)
through such considerations one never comes to make the movement; rather with their help one sinks ever deeper into the mire. (Location 1060)
Fools and young people talk about everything being possible for a human being. But that is a great mistake. Everything is possible spiritually speaking, but in the finite world there is much that is not possible. (Location 1069)
He has grasped the deep secret that even in loving another one should be sufficient unto oneself. (Location 1079)
In infinite resignation there is peace and repose; anyone who wants it, who has not debased himself by – what is still worse than being too proud – belittling himself, can discipline himself into making this movement, which in its pain reconciles one to existence. (Location 1095)
Faith is therefore no aesthetic emotion, but something far higher, exactly because it presupposes resignation; it is not the immediate inclination of the heart but the paradox of existence. (Location 1124)
I can still save my soul so long as it is more important for me that my love of God should triumph in me than my worldly happiness. (Location 1158)
this movement is one I cannot make! (Location 1166)
let us either forget all about Abraham or learn how to be horrified at the monstrous paradox which is the significance of his life, so that we can understand that our time like any other can be glad if it has faith. (Location 1211)
Faith is just this paradox, that the single individual as the particular is higher than the universal, is justified before the latter, not as subordinate but superior, (Location 1259)
In his action he overstepped the ethical altogether, and had a higher telos outside it, in relation to which he suspended it. (Location 1314)
Then how did Abraham exist? He had faith. That is the paradox that keeps him at the extremity and which he cannot make clear to anyone else, for the paradox is that he puts himself as the single individual in an absolute relation to the absolute. Is he justified? (Location 1360)
How does the single individual assure himself that he is justified? (Location 1363)
what will help him are exactly the fear and distress in which the great are tried, (Location 1401)
The angel came only to Mary, and no one could understand her. (Location 1413)
those whom God blesses he damns in the same breath? (Location 1414)
I do not feel brave enough to wish to be contemporary with such events, but for that reason I do not judge harshly of those who were mistaken, nor think meanly of those who saw the truth. (Location 1428)
But the highest passion in a human being is faith, (Location 2217)
‘I’m by no means standing still in my love, for I have my life in it.’ (Location 2235)