a real prophet is this: "Does he make me uncomfortable?" If he does, he probably is. If he doesn't, he probably isn't. After all, you never read in the Bible of a popular prophet except the false ones who always went around telling people the things they wanted to hear. (Location 42)
When you don't measure up, nothing eases the sickening feeling that maybe it's not just your act that isn't good enough. Maybe it's you. (Location 110)
Keith was irritated when he was confronted with the Christian belief that, although God created us, a redemptive process was needed to enter into a relationship with the Creator. (Location 485)
But not Keith. He couldn't, wouldn't rest while he knew his friend needed help. That was the way he was. If there was anything he could do or say to help someone he loved, he always went for broke. (Location 1711)
"Something's really wrong here," he said. "I've struggled too long and too hard to find Jesus. I'm not gonna quit now, but I'll tell you one thing-I'm not going to compromise what I know is right, no matter what people around us are doing." (Location 2051)
"If they could go cold toward God, what about me?" We realized that outward changes were the easiest-things like giving up drugs and drinking or cleaning up our language. The inner changes were the most difficult. Some of our attitudes were a lot more subtle and harder to detect. Were there things we hadn't dealt with in our own lives? (Location 2174)
"If my life is going to be totally submitted to the Lord, what does that mean about my music?" (Location 2176)
Singing for people seemed like the natural thing to do for someone with Keith's talent. But he didn't want to assume anything. (Location 2178)
How could he not do music? On the other hand, I knew it was always important to obey God. Still this seemed like a pretty high price to pay. (Location 2186)
The old Keith, the one with the dream of being acclaimed as a well-known singer, was dead. (Location 2194)
"But now I wantto be accepted because I reflect the Lord, not because I blow everyone away with my music." (Location 2203)
"All the talent in the world won't buy me a godly character," Keith was saying, "and that's what I want more than anything." (Location 2206)
After we got back home, Keith went into his music room and closed the door. I could hear him playing a beautiful new melody on the piano. I could tell Keith was playing it just for the Lord, and I silently wondered if the Lord and I would be the only ones ever to hear it. (Location 2207)
Keith usually had nerves of steel, but I knew he felt a lot of pressure. He wanted his performance to bring glory to the Lord-and only to the Lord. (Location 2249)
"I felt the Lord in a new way too." Then he hesitated for a moment. "Mel, I think the Lord gave me back my music while I was playing tonight. I was in the middle of the song and I just felt a peace and an assurance that I was right in the center of God's will-doing exactly what he created me to do." (Location 2269)
Keith's music was no longer a career. He considered himself a minister, and we wanted to see people come to the Lord. But music was Keith's trade and we had big household expenses every week. (Location 2292)
My (Location 2324)
Rest (Location 2325)
The more you hung out in the devil's territory, even in ignorance, the more power you gave to him-and he was determined to capture and destroy every unsuspecting soul he could. (Location 2336)
Keith figured since Jesus took him as he was, the church would have to do the same. (Location 2446)
Everywhere we turned, there were desperate or wounded people who needed help. While Keith was wrestling with the question of what it was the Lord wanted him to actually say to the church, we'd been having message-shaping experiences. (Location 2484)
In some ways, the Christian music ministry was beginning to appear similar to the secular music business we'd just stepped out of. Record companies, contracts, concert tours, even a pecking order of artist popularity were similar in Christian ministry and secular industry. But in other ways the Christian music scene was a whole new animal. When you were invited somewhere, what should you expect to receive in return? Some churches were obviously wealthy. Others were poor. How did you deal with the differences? (Location 2530)
"What's wrong with being gay, anyway? It's my sexual preference. God made me this way."Keith said, "God didn't make you gay, but he did create all of us as sexual beings. Because of that, in fairness, God gave us reasonable boundaries because he is not into confusing people. If we're single, no sex before marriage. If we're married, no adulterous affairs. And no sex with the same sex."I jumped in. "He also banned rape, incest, and sex with children and animals."Keith continued gently, "We might be violated by someone in a sexual area, but it really breaks God's heart and arouses his anger against the one who hurt us. We may even be tempted to dabble in some of those areas, but we've been given advance warning to treat them as taboo. (Location 2549)
"Look, it's God who gives us the desire for intimacy. He gives us our sexual desires. It's just that he sets boundaries," I added. (Location 2567)
I want to make sure the Spirit is producing it and recording it. (Location 2587)
There was one thing at the very top of their prayer list-that the anointing of the Lord would come through on the recording of each song. Keith wanted God to touch people in a deep and powerful way. And we knew, no matter how good a song was, without God's anointing it would never be more than just a good song. We were after far more. (Location 2612)
During our nine weeks on the road, we had plenty of time to counsel everyone and encourage them in the Lord. Of course they were a big help to us too. (Location 2632)
We had learned at the Vineyard that every trial was an opportunity to grow. Through all the blessings, as well as the challenges, we certainly grew on that nine-week tour. (Location 2663)
We thought it would be wonderful to get the people who needed help out of the big city and into a place that would be peaceful and restful-somewhere that wasn't filled with so many glaring, easy-access temptations. (Location 2672)
These were powerful times and innocent times. We just did what was in our hearts to do, and we were always on the run, (Location 2719)
He felt he needed to count the cost in a greater way if he was really going to be a true follower of Jesus. (Location 2743)
Keith wanted to shake believers awake from the comfortable slumber we'd seen. Most of us weren't faced with anything as obvious as the choice between bowing to a false god or being killed. But we are continually tempted to bow to other false gods-to go with the crowd, be ashamed of our convictions, stay silent instead of speaking out for what is right. So we compromise. (Location 2782)
Most of us weren't faced with anything as obvious as the choice between bowing to a false god or being killed. But we are continually tempted to bow to other false gods-to go with the crowd, be ashamed of our convictions, stay silent instead of speaking out for what is right. So we compromise. We harbor secret sins. We bow to invisible idols of fear, pride, lust, greed-and just wanting to be accepted by others. (Location 2782)
The most strategic of all praying happened within our little community. In the houses people signed up to pray in shifts during each recording session. Then at each session, day or night-sometimes all night-there were community people right in the studio with us. They engaged in quiet but constant on-the-spot intercession.If the recording engineer was having trouble getting the right sounds, everyone prayed. If Keith was trying to hit some difficult notes, they prayed. If we were working on guitar parts or background parts, they prayed. There was constant prayer-asking for God's help, anointing, and grace. (Location 2788)
"I'm sorry, brother, I can't lead you in the sinner's prayer. You've gotta give up your dope, your selfishness, your love of possessions, your clinginess to family and friends-and your life"? (Location 2903)
After saying the sinner's prayer, if in a few months your friends can't tell that you're born again, if your relatives can't see a change in you, if your teacher can't see that you're a Christian, you're probably not! (Location 2906)
then to people who considered themselves Christians but had never given Jesus every hope, dream, possession, every friend and loved one. (Location 2912)
If you don't know Jesus,you've got two choices-and I'm not gonna say "heaven or hell." I'm gonna say you can follow Jesus or you can hate him. You can't sit on the fence. Those who are not with him are against him. (Location 2914)
Jesus Christ is not your Savior unless he's the Lord of your life, and Lord means he owns and controls-lock, stock, and barrel-your destiny, your future, and your present. And he throws away your past as far as the east is from the west. (Location 2920)
It seemed that the best way for a child to have an understanding of how to serve God would be to grow up doing it. (Location 2956)
"Now that we really know God," I said, "and know his heart, we realize many have done horrible things in the name of Jesus. Anybody can say they follow Jesus, but their deeds prove whether they really do or not. (Location 2991)
Anybody can say they follow Jesus, but their deeds prove whether they really do or not. (Location 2992)
The book was called Revival Lectures, written by a nineteenth-century revivalist named Charles Finney. One night about a year before, Keith had phoned me from the road, sobbing. He had read me a whole chapterof that book over the phone! Keith had been reading more Finney lately and tonight he had rediscovered this particular book. (Location 3080)
"Another area God has convicted me in is not trusting him for finances. (Location 3110)
"`Many people never seem to think about doing this. They pay no attention to their own hearts, and never know whether they are doing well in their walk with the Lord or not-whether they are bearing fruit or are totally barren."' (Location 3118)
"`There are many professing Christians who are willing to do almost anything in religion that does not require self-denial. They are so far from realizing that (Location 3124)
self-denial is a condition of discipleship that they do not even know what it is!"' (Location 3125)
deep breath before he continued."I believe God wants to do something powerful in all of our lives. What God did for me, he wants to do for you. He wants all of us to have pure hearts that are soft and open to him. We all need to humble ourselves and break up the `fallow ground' of our hearts so God can be glorified. I believe we all need to have a breakthrough with God. (Location 3130)
"Oh, Lord," I cried, "please give me a clear picture of what it cost you to send your only son to earth. I'm so sorry for taking your sacrifice for granted, and for not loving you the way you deserve to be loved. Please forgive me!" (Location 3170)
I went back into the house, but I wasn't comforted. I saw the wickedness of my heart and I felt torn from the inside out. I didn't understand why I seemed to get passed over by the Lord. (Location 3184)
I decided I would serve God in that darkness as fully as everyone else was serving him in the light, whether or not I was really saved. I still believed that living God's way was the best way to live. (Location 3187)
Charles Finney defined revival as "a new beginning of obedience to God," (Location 3189)
"So today," she continued, "I went to the park by myself and wore a pair of shorts in public for the first time. Jesus is healing me of my shame. He's giving me the courage to not be so self-conscious about my scars and my limp." (Location 3196)
I really feel like God is telling me we need to pay our own way into these cities and not ask for anything from the churches!" (Location 3205)
Keith did have some misgivings. He wondered if he'd really heard from God about going. He didn't want to be propelled by any false desire of his own to bring a fiery message to Tulsa. But he received what he believed to be confirmation from the Lord. (Location 3233)
The Christian walk is a bunch of squirming flesh getting nailed down to a cross. (Location 3256)
I want to be God's voice, full of love, mercy and fire! But I must be dead! I am ready for death! Kill me, destroy me, burn me beyond recognition. I know now that you would never hurt or harm me. You only want me dead! Let it be done! I don't want greatness. I want you to be great! Lower me down, humble me. Teach me to humble myself, 0 Lord! (Location 3293)
if there's something wrong with someone, the biblical way of changing it is to submit and pray. God can speak to them. I learned that last week." (Location 3363)
trusting in my own talents, my own strengths, my own abilities. God, I know they're just in vain. So, Lord, before this whole body, I just repent of being self-confident and self-sufficient, and, Lord, I ask that you crush that spirit of pride and ego. Replace it with your sweet spirit of humility, God, because without you we are nothing." (Location 3375)
we need to be careful. We can't sin the sin of judgment. We just have to leave the whole thing in God's hands." (Location 3422)
Leonard told Keith that even though the move of God may actually have been hindered, the Bible clearly warns us not to raise our hand against God's anointed. (Location 3456)
God miraculously delivers our souls from the jaws of destruction, and as soon as the going gets tough we quickly forget how bad our lives were before we knew the Lord! The first thing we do is look back to our old life with longing eyes. (Location 3481)
I have no idea what it must be like to live without talents, possibilities, chances for greatness. It is a curse, I know. (Location 3516)
Lack of prayer is sin. Legal prayer is sad. Freedom is best. (Location 3562)
It's my fault, but Your move. (Location 3567)
the vows Keith had made were keeping him under condemnation. (Location 3571)
Please lead me into an hour of prayer a day without me timing it. God doesn't want me serving him under obligation, but out of love. (Location 3573)
if I would ever feel confident that God accepted me. (Location 3576)
"I am going to give you the desire of your heart. You're going to have a little girl."I didn't hear it audibly, but it was so clear and direct I was taken aback. I (Location 3585)
yet I wished I could break free and worship the Lord in joy andfreedom like these ladies-hidden in the back room of a remote church. (Location 3594)
I'd been feeling more and more lost. I knew my heart wasn't pure enough and that I still was undisciplined in many areas. I wasn't living up to God's standards and I knew it. (Location 3614)
This is so much law. Where's the grace?" (Location 3618)
you need to receive God's grace-not deny it." (Location 3621)
peace-Real Peace. / can seek the Lord now, for an angel from God has come to minister to me. I love God so much. My heart overflows with quiet, gentle joy. My eyes water with tears for the peace in my soul. My faith is refreshed. My desire to commune with God and intercede for souls is renewed with power! My thirst for God's word has greatly increased. The prison doors have swung open of themselves. The shackles have fallen off to the ground. (Location 3631)
rescued me from the bondage of works and self-spirituality. I want to glory in your presence. You want me to share your glory-but only as a gift, not as a result of my efforts, but as a result of your goodness, mercy, and love for me. (Location 3635)
Did God have us on some kind of warp-speed pace? And if he did, I wondered why? (Location 3674)
The land was planted in hay, and Keith loved to get out there and help cut and bale. There was always work to be done-keeping the fences mended and fields fertilized. (Location 3739)
"I just can't get my act together. I feel so lazy sometimes. If I really loved God, I'd have more discipline, right?"Winkie, who by now had a chance to observe Keith up close, just smiled. He then gave Keith some serious advice. "There's nothing wrong with your spiritual life. But your physical laziness is bringing you down."He pointed out that Keith had developed a Bohemian night-person lifestyle-up too late, in bed too long, not eating right, rarely making a bed or washing a dish."I can see how the enemy can attach a lot of lies to those areas of weakness, but your bad habits don't prove you don't love the Lord," Winkie encouraged him. "They're an open door for you to feel condemned-that's why you need to work at changing them."When Winkie gave Keith his first instructions-to get up at a reasonable hour like 9:00 AM and to make his bed-Keith flinched. "That's what maids are for," he protested. After all, they were staying in hotels at the time of this decision.But Keith did it, and every morning Keith called Winkie in to inspect his room to keep himself accountable.At Winkie's advice, Keith also tried to eat a more balanced diet and pick up after himself. These were simple things. But as Winkie told him, "The grind of the road can be destructive to your spiritual life, Keith. It's important to be disciplined-and it's got to start with the basic areas, or else you burn out or you'll shallow-out."All this went against Keith's natural grain. Keith didn't even like to practice the piano! Sometimes at the opening of a concert, he'd sit atthe piano and let his fingers run all over (Location 3793)
"The grind of the road can be destructive to your spiritual life, Keith. It's important to be disciplined-and it's got to start with the basic areas, or else you burn out or you'll shallow-out." (Location 3800)
Discipline is not holiness, nor the way to holiness. It just helps you maintain it. (Location 3807)
Were they "products" or "ministry"? (Location 3811)
Her middle name symbolized some of the precious lessons the Lord had taught us during that time because now I knew for sure he really had spoken to me. I took it as a very special sign of his love for (Location 3866)
Another song, "Unless the Lord Builds the House," was all about being busy in ministry, which has its own special temptations like doing things that seem spiritual but really aren't. Someone had written to Keith and told him, "Don't get so caught up in the work of the Lord that you forget the Lord of the work!" (Location 3919)
How come no one idolizes or praises the missionaries who give up everything and live in poverty, endangering their lives and their families with every danger that the American dream has almost completely eliminated? How come no one lifts up and exalts the ghetto and prison ministers and preachers? Because we are taught early on 1) that comfort is our goal and security and 2) that we should always seek for a lot of people to like us. (Location 4044)
My piano is not my cross. It is my tool. I'd never play the thing again, if God would show me a more effective tool for proclaiming His totally demanding gospel. (Location 4051)
The only music ministers to whom the Lord will say, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant," are the ones whose lives prove what their lyrics are saying and the ones to whom music is the least important part (Location 4053)
Glorifying the only worthy One should be most important! (Location 4054)
"Jesus and junk?" he said angrily. "Those must be the two most opposite words in the English language!"On one hand, Keith saw Christian ashtrays, doggie sweaters, and piggy banks. On the other hand, he saw Jesus-like a pure, white rose-crushed beneath tons of garbage and debris that claimed to be promoting him and his sacrifice. Keith saw Jesus' heart cry sinking from view. He decided to write an article for the Last Days Newsletter called "The Selling of Jesus." He described his feelings when he saw that "Jesus Saves" piggy bank, and he quoted the book of Revelation:I could hear the echoes of those who "were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: and they cried with (Location 4088)
a loud voice, saying, `How long, 0 Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?"'How do you think the Lord feels, after giving His life for the sins of the world, to be reduced to something that helps sell merchandise? I'm certain He would make a whip and cleanse the Church of such garbage if He were on the earth today, but a more permanent remedy is planned. It's called Judgment Day. (Location 4092)
he continually examined every doctrine he came across against the Word of God. (Location 4097)
But if they come to give him their lives in honor and worship, then they will truly have forgiveness and joy-more than they could ever imagine! (Location 4127)
When Keith and I had differing opinions, we learned to have soft disagreements, and we would flash each other those "let's go talk in the other room" looks without anyone else noticing. (Location 4167)
At those times I'd try to look at the privilege of being in ministry, not the price. And I would count my blessings, which were many. Keith and I didn't have a normal life, I'd tell myself, but then neither one of us ever really wanted one. (Location 4172)
"The test of all prophets is to take the wide circle of influence that God has given them and, instead of capturing it for themselves, turn it over to one who's greater-so much bigger purposes can be accomplished for God's kingdom." (Location 4373)
I want to have a vision of heaven in my mind and the stench of hell in my nostrils as I go to preach the gospel!" (Location 4408)
rebuked me yesterday for just occupying-just looking to do the next newsletter, the next album and tour etc. He showed me that my vision was far too small and that I had lost my pioneer spirit. I had hidden my talent of potential (Location 4425)
heart was crusted over from the too-busy-to-seek-God-enough (Location 4503)
I know that there's really only one thing that excites my soul and that's being close to Jesus. (Location 4539)
God loves us for who we are and not solely for what we can do." (Location 4649)
"I'll tell you what, folks, the world isn't being won today because we're not doing it! It's our fault! This generation of Christians is responsible for this generation of souls on the earth. Nowhere in the world is the gospel so plentiful as in the United States. Nowhere! And I don't want to see us stand before God on that day and say, `But, God, I didn't hear you call me!' Here's something for all of you to chew on-you don't need to hear a call. You're already called!" (Location 4675)
This generation of Christians is responsible for this generation of souls on the earth. (Location 4675)
"Lord, please let your people see that being a missionary is not `weird,' but that it's the most exciting way to live on the face of the earth!" (Location 4718)
realized how wounding pure doctrine could be without considering the state of someone's heart toward the Lord. (Location 4752)
Several months before, he'd begun to realize that his own humanity had crept into his leadership style at Last Days, and he wrote a very sincere and heartfelt letter to those who might have been offended. He acknowledged that we had erred with some of our rules and policies in the past, and he let people know how things had changed. To those who had been hurt, Keith said, "I am totally, completely, and utterly sorry." (Location 4763)
It was easy to see that the clouds and lightning hits were only over our land! The raindrops looked like huge, heavenly tears. We felt the distinct presence of the Lord in those moments. He wanted us to know he was there. What happened was not apart from his knowing or caring. Most definitely what we were seeing was a demonstration of his power-and his presence. (Location 4942)
The only thing that kept me going was a sense of the presence of God. I was blanketed in his grace. I felt his presence like I'd never felt it before. Buffering the blows. Holding me. Comforting me. It didn't erase the pain. But I felt God's tender heart for me. (Location 4961)
"Melody, your own healing comes from entering into their joy." That really spoke to me. I knew it was right. (Location 4973)
news-to let everyone know that I was all right and that God was faithful. With all my heart I believed God was sovereign, and I held fast to that truth. I wanted everyone else to hang on to it too. (Location 4998)
With all my heart I believed God was sovereign, and I held fast to that truth. I wanted everyone else to hang on to it too. (Location 4998)
"Don has two strong sons who know the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and they desire to serve him with their whole heart. That's the mark of a successful father. (Location 5021)
"The Salvation Army never spoke about dying-they always talked about being promoted," (Location 5027)
No, we're not going to be saved by works, but we're going to be rewarded for them! (Location 5029)
We preachers have the most serious job in the world. It's not to be popular, not to be nice. It's to get people to step out of darkness into the light. Life is short. Eternity is long." (Location 5033)
Trust was made for the darkness. I resolved to trust God's character, whether I got any insights or not. (Location 5047)
I resolved to trust God's character, whether I got any insights or not. (Location 5047)
We have no time guarantees. (Location 5059)
"Every Christian is called to speak to their generation." (Location 5069)
"Wow, Keith really did pass the test! He really did yield his life and his ministry to God's larger purposes for reaching the world!" (Location 5073)
Keith was extremely serious about his relationship with God. He wanted to cooperate with the Lord so that his own life would be increasingly transformed. (Location 5106)
Keith had only known Jesus for seven years when he went home. (Location 5109)
God is faithful to use us to the fullest when we totally give ourselves to him. (Location 5113)
It was a message I really had a burden for, and I knew it mattered to God. It was all much bigger than I was, so it helped take my eyes off of my own shattered life for bits and pieces of each day. (Location 5134)
I was both trained and launched into public ministry during this painful yet rewarding season. (Location 5138)
I read in a book that gratitude would help keep bitterness from my heart. (Location 5145)
I wanted my girls to experience the poverty and needs of the world firsthand. I wanted them to develop hearts of empathy and mercy so they would become women with generous spirits toward the needs of others. (Location 5177)
I was simply surrounded by super people. (Location 5221)
But life is rarely perfect, and each of us has situations we would change if we had that ability. That's why knowing and trusting Jesusis the only way to live. Only God knows every detail, and only he is faithful to give grace and provide in ways that are humanly impossible. (Location 5255)
In the big picture I believe each person has a measure of painful circumstance in his or her life at some point. Pain and sorrow give us a challenge. We can decide if we will let ourselves remain in an angry or bitter place. (Location 5258)
Keith put God in charge of his life and talents and God liked that a lot. Then Keith decided he wasn't going to sing about anything he wasn't doing, or trying to do. (Location 5303)
The kind of unity it took to do those events required humility and a desire to build only God's kingdom. (Location 5347)
Look what can happen when believers with different gifts decide to build something together. (Location 5349)
When we obey God in faith, we have no way of knowing what he will do with our efforts. We should never underestimate the power of one passionate heart in the hands of the all-powerful God. (Location 5357)
Then at a prayer meeting, Keith told everyone that God was going to use me in a big way in pro-life. That was just a few hours before the plane crashed. (Location 5382)
Obviously Keith had a gnawing in his spirit that was from God. He heard long before most of us even thought of listening. He pushed and poked and frankly annoyed me. He believed I was the one to do something about abortion and wouldn't let it go. In spite of my being such a reluctant recruit, AAA accomplished a lot. (Location 5391)
The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. (Location 5431)
When we're bent toward God, he can put good words in our mouths and good ideas in our minds that surprise even us. (Location 5441)
It's been said that everyone is going to be surprised when we stand before the Lord. It's usually meant in a negative way. But how would we need to live now for most of those surprises to be good ones? (Location 5460)
Keith hungered to know about those heroes who moved their generation for God, and he followed in their steps. (Location 5468)
It's not the stretch of life that matters. It's the depth of life. It's not how long we live. It's how we live. (Location 5473)
He was a sincere and honest baby believer. (Location 5489)
He was really just a young broken guy. (Location 5492)
The last thing God wants from us is to be balanced. It's not biblical. We just need to get on with our obedience to God and let God balance out the whole. (Location 5496)