there is scarce a human being who, resolved to speak openly, would not confess to having something that plagued him, something from which he would gladly be free, something rendering it impossible for him, at the moment, to regard life as an altogether good thing. (Location 9)
that integral part of the world where lies his business, his first business—namely, his own character and conduct. (Location 30)
he will want only to be rid of his suffering; but that he cannot have, save in being delivered from its essential root, a thing infinitely worse than any suffering it can produce. If he will not have that deliverance, he must keep his suffering. (Location 51)
The Lord never came to deliver men from the consequences of their sins while yet those sins remained: (Location 58)
He came to work along with our punishment. He came to side with it, and set us free from our sins. (Location 67)
If hell be needful to save him, hell will blaze, and the worm will writhe and bite, until he takes refuge in the will of the Father. (Location 72)
The sin he dwells in, the sin he will not come out of, is the sole ruin of a man. (Location 79)
It is the indwelling badness, ready to produce bad actions, that we need to be delivered from. (Location 85)
With the departure of this possibility, and with the hope of confession hereafter to those we have wronged, will depart also the power over us of the evil things we have done, and so we shall be saved from them also. (Location 90)
When we turn against them and refuse to obey them, they rise in fierce insistence, but the same moment begin to die. We are then on the Lord's side, as he has always been on ours, and he begins to deliver us from them. (Location 95)
Anything in you, which, in your own child, would make you feel him not so pleasant as you would have him, is something wrong. (Location 97)
When all are gone, the holy punishment will have departed also. He came to make us good, and therein blessed children. (Location 106)
The relation exists, but while one of the parties neither knows, loves, nor acts upon it, the relation is, as it were, yet unborn. (Location 114)
his will must meet God's—a will distinct from God's, else were no harmony possible between them. (Location 116)
God creates in the man the power to will His will. (Location 117)
With the energy of tenderest love he wills his brothers and sisters free, that he may fill them to overflowing with that essential thing, joy. For that they were indeed created. (Location 124)
Right gladly would he free them from their misery—but he knows only one way: he will teach them to be like himself, meek and lowly, bearing with gladness the yoke of his father's will. (Location 130)
Their very existence is an evil, of which, but for his resolve to purify them, their maker must rid his universe. How can he keep in his sight a foul presence? (Location 138)
mean obedience to the will of the Father, however revealed in our conscience. (Location 158)
Upon obedience our energy must be spent; understanding will follow. (Location 161)
As much as either is it common sense that a man should look for and expect the help of his Father in the endeavour. (Location 174)
He who has not made himself, cannot set himself right without him who made him. (Location 175)
Their earliest endeavour in this direction would, as I have said, open the door for that help to enter without which a man could never succeed in the divinely arduous task—could (Location 309)
'Whatever has happened to him, death itself, it can be no evil to one who is about his father's business;' (Location 360)