# Desktop Browser-based OS ![](Desktop%20Browser-based%20OS/F38E77D1-D7E2-42E2-B1C5-271F38C38BA2.png) - A bunch of chromium browsers - Inside a windowing manager - With the ability to move data between browsers - Can’t be Electron because IFrames - True browser-based OS - Separate the protocol from the view - Separate the runtime - Make the windowing manager the demo - I can’t do this inside a browser - Create an environment that we control - Perfect the protocol, authorization, data sharing within this environment - Runtime is Wasm? ## Problems to solve: - Authorization - decentralized login system that "passes through" to auth for each individual web app - Drag-n-drop between browser windows - what is supported? - Shared database instance across web apps - Backing up data to some decentralized file system that I own