TODO.txt as board in a browser

Kanban and Todo

Idea: build a little webapp that can read a local file (any markdown file) and display the contents as a Trello board.


  • If the item has a URL, unfurl the URL to show a social preview (for example, a Github Issue)
  • Two-way sync - edit in a text editor immediately updates the board. Edit in the board immediately updates the text file.
  • Graceful degradation, somehow? Info in Board that's not in text file. Info in text file that's not displayed in board?

Take a look at Trellis from Ink & Switch.

Markdown-powered Task Runners

There are some interesting task runners (CLI tools) that embed their tasks inside well-formatted markdown files. Similar ideas there. See:

TODO.txt as board in a browser
Interactive graph
On this page
TODO.txt as board in a browser
Kanban and Todo
Markdown-powered Task Runners