The magic of thinking together at a whiteboard is a unique experience. Despite many advances in digital technology, the whiteboard medium is still far superior for analog collaboration. No app comes close to replicating the experience of two humans standing at a whiteboard, markers in hand, pointing, sketching, squiggling, writing, erasing with their palms, etc.
We can and should do better. By bridging the analog and the digital worlds, we can free computing from the confines of the screen and build off of the best of both the analog and digital worlds.
The digital world actually does offer some advantages over the analog world.
What are some of those advantages?
What are the problems with pure digital whiteboards?
I think of the challenge of integration digital and analog whiteboards as improving on three inter-related system: input, display, and model.
In an analog whiteboard, the input is the marker on the whiteboard, the display is the whiteboard with the markings on it, and the model is the representation created by the markings on the whiteboard.