Jess's Lab Notebook

Working From Orbit




I never have to squint or lean forward, crane my neck, hunt for an application window I just had open, or struggle to find a place for something (Page 13)

trade-offs and compromises from the past no longer apply I put my apps in convenient locations I can see at a glance, and without getting in my way.I (Page 13)

I’m not stiff at the end of it and experience less eye strain than I ever did with a bunch of desk-bound LCDs (Page 13)

Complete control over my visual environment is like using noise-canceling headphones for my eyes (Page 14)

MURAL’s working canvas, on the other hand, invites people to browse ideas and their connections seemingly effortlessly, jumping forward back, and around as needed: context turns seeing into understanding (Page 17)

Shared space for communication, local independent space for productivity (Page 17)

removes any distraction from the collaboration process (Page 17)

the real power of VR requires training users for potentially unfamiliar use cases (Page 19)

if you can be anywhere, why would you want to be in a meeting room (Page 19)

Humans have been augmenting memory by distributing it to one another, combining ideas (processing power) for problem-solving, and in essence crowdsourcing civilization itself (Page 24)

externalize aspects of cognition and exchange them with our neighbors (Page 24)

Inventing better ways of getting working knowledge from one person or group to another can increase the resilience and capacity of those groups (Page 24)

faster and more potent exchange: increased fidelity and reduced barriers to entry make it easier to get things in/out of our collective heads (Page 24)

alignment with natural thought processes: communicating the same way we think, losing less in translation.A (Page 24)

physical, ceremonial settings: using and shaping their surroundings to aid the memorization process. B (Page 24)

do versions of this today in our personal spaces, (Page 25)

a means improving or delegating executive functions: we put things in places as a prompt to (Page 25)

time, plan future activities, and so on. W (Page 25)

VR and its eventual successors give us access to vastly more complex means of “off loading mental storage and work” by providing infinite malleable space, and assigning more meaning and capability to the actions we take within it (Page 25)

Our very psyches will become entwined with the worlds we shape, using lessons (Page 25)

l walk through our own minds and consciously sculpt ourselves. (Page 25)

f collaborative cognition: thinking together (Page 25)

human-centric information theory development using neuroscience to combine spatial navigation and cognition as a starting point, and building from there to shape the terrain and guide the creation of language, tools, and systems to bring that vision to life (Page 25)

Working From Orbit
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Working From Orbit