Jess's Lab Notebook

How SQLite Works




SQLite is a software library that translates high-level disk I/O requests generated by an application into low-level I/O operations that can be carried out by the operating system. (View Highlight)

  • Note: All the layers of computing are represented here. Library, protocol, operating system.

the application sends a message containing some SQL over to a separate server thread or process. (View Highlight)

SQLite runs in the same address space as the application, using the same program counter and heap storage. SQLite does no interprocess communication (IPC). When an application sends an SQL statement into SQLite (by invoking a the appropriate SQLite library subroutine), SQLite interprets the SQL in the same thread as the caller. (View Highlight)

But with SQLite, a complete database is just an ordinary disk file. (View Highlight)

Other languages like Java, Perl, Python, and TCL typically translate the program source text into bytecode. This bytecode is then run through an interpreter that reads the bytecode and carries out the desired operations. SQLite uses this bytecode approach. (View Highlight)

  • Note: Sqlite is interpreted

all languages have a compiler step which translates programs into an executable format and a run step that executes the compiled program. (View Highlight)

How SQLite Works
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How SQLite Works