Jess's Lab Notebook

Cleaned-Up Transcript of Rich Hickey's Talk "Deconstructing the Database" · GitHub




What's usually missing is an information model. By an information model, I mean the ability to store facts, to not have things replace other things in place, to have some temporal notion to what's being stored. That's what I would consider a true information model, and that's usually missing from the databases. (View Highlight)

The biggest one by far is definitely the state model. The fact that it's update-in-place. (View Highlight)

To move to an information model means to move to a data model that is fundamentally about facts. (View Highlight)

A datom is just an entity, an attribute, and a value, and then some temporal component. (View Highlight)

It only expands; it only grows outward. It grows by accretion of facts. We're just going to add more facts. (View Highlight)

We're going to say, we can represent novelty, but just as assertions or retractions of facts. (View Highlight)

  • Note: In this context, reify means to make something real or concrete by giving it tangible form or structure.

New highlights added June 11, 2024 at 2:18 PM

We don't care about it — we care a lot more about putting data into memory, and having good locality in the way we do that. But if we actually have to touch the disk, we're losing anyway. (View Highlight)

Cleaned-Up Transcript of Rich Hickey's Talk Deconstructing the Database · GitHub
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Cleaned-Up Transcript of Rich Hickey's Talk "Deconstructing the Database" · GitHub
New highlights added June 11, 2024 at 2:18 PM