# Open Questions I'm Pondering
These are some open questions that I'm thinking on.
- [[What does a result look like in future of computing research?]]
- Are findings in computing more akin to discoveries or inventions?
- [[Will there be more programming languages in the future or less?]]
- Over time, will applications tend towards "super apps" that do everything or small, single-purpose tools?
- Is the computer itself a medium or a meta-medium? Are there other meta-mediums?
- [[Computers are like paper]]
- [[Medium for thinking]]
- Do [[Mediums]] have fundamental capabilities that compose to make the thing into the medium that it is? Can these fundamental capabilities be identified?
- Can [[Medium for thinking]] be transformed into one another? Can we define generic transformations at the level of capabilities such that we can define the transitive relationships between mediums?
- [[Software has a grain to it|Does software have a grain to it]]? From whence does the grain originate?
- What is the relationship between mediums, information theory, and cognition? Are some mediums "better" encodings in some sense?
- To what degree, if at all, do individual differences in cognition affect the preferred medium for that individual?
- How do you measure the effectiveness of a medium or tool? Is it possible to compare effectiveness across tools?
- If the medium is an abstraction (a Platonic ideal) and a tool is an instantiation (a thing) that reifies the medium, does this mean that certain tools are better or worse reifications? How can we express that "betterness"?
- Are mediums invented or discovered? To what degree do human capabilities (human factors) constrain the latent space of tool development? (cockpits are not arbitrarily shaped and laid out, for example)